mike pearson (gridiron football) in Chinese
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- be on the gridiron
- 受迫害, 受折磨, 受遣责
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- gridiron
- n. 1.(烧鱼肉等有柄的)烤架,铁丝格子。 2.【航海】格子船台,船架。 3.(舞台上承受升降布景装置的)梁格结构。 4.栅形补偿摆 (=gridiron pendulum)。 5.格状物,格状结构。 6.〔美俚〕美国国旗。 7.〔美俚〕橄榄球场;橄榄球。 8.(停货车等的)侧道 〔=gridiron siding〕; 高压输电网。 be on the gridir...
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- pearson
- n. 皮尔逊〔姓氏〕。
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- pearson is
- 皮尔森群岛
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- be on the mike
- 偷懒, 呆儿郎当
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- mike
- n. 迈克〔男子名, Michael 的昵称〕。 vi. , n. 〔俚语〕偷懒,鬼混,怠工。 on the mike 偷懒,吊儿郎当地。 n. 〔microphone 之略〕〔口语〕话筒;送话器,微音器。
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What is the meaning of mike pearson (gridiron football) in Chinese and how to say mike pearson (gridiron football) in Chinese? mike pearson (gridiron football) Chinese meaning, mike pearson (gridiron football)的中文,mike pearson (gridiron football)的中文,mike pearson (gridiron football)的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.